Simple question..


Staff member
I put up a sample issue of my newsletter which, of cours, was mostly all text. When you do this in HTML, is there an easier and/or quicker way to code it than using the <br> tag after every sentence? If you want to take a peak at the source code it's at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Thanks !<!--content-->well, there is of course the <P> tag :) but besides that, not that I know of, btw jeni, I would use more HTML in your newsletter, spice it up a bit, at the very least link up all your links, I find people are much more likely to go to your site from the newsletter if they can just click, not have to type in the URL...anyways, just some constructive critisism. (Not that I was really critisizing).<!--content-->Hey Jeni,<br />
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Great mag. I was hoping to find some info about your renowned "sickness prevention", so I could figure out how to ward off future sickness now that I've recovered from my flu.<br />
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Anyway, good job composing your ezine with raw html (even though you don't use a ton of it yet). I've been using Netscape Composer to put together the Big Resources Ezine, and I know that it must drive Jacob nuts fixing up the format before it can be mailed. I've gotta tell ya, never get hooked on one of those WYSIWYG editors. I first learned how to use it before I learned HTML, and it's been nothing but a crutch ever since. It is faster than hand coding, but the source code looks like dooty.<!--content-->Jeni,<br />
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I believe that your presence was requested in Ye Olde Spam Box.<!--content-->John - don't worry, I can handle some constructive critisism as long as it's done nicely. :D Did you mean I should have all the links to all my other pages on the sample newsletter? Actually, it's this weeks issue. I just got to thinking people might like to see an issue before subscribing and thought putting a copy on the site might not be a bad idea. <br />
Speaking of my site..I've got other questions too, but it's really late so I'll wait until tomorrow...I'm all confused right now!<br />
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Jason - basic HTML is what I know best! :D I'm still working on mastering tables and never worked with the WYSIIGHOWELNGOER that you mentioned...(can't remember what it really is) but I've seen that on sites and such, just never delved into learning about it. Someday when I'm more confidant with HTML I may consider doing e-mails in but right now I'm most comfortable just using text. This is only my tenth issue, so I'm just getting acquainted with the whole newsletter biz. I enjoy it, though. A lot! <br />
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Now, I'm off to check out the spam thread since you said my presence was wanted...gosh, kind of nice to feel wanted! :D<!--content-->Really nice job. I too would make the email contacts and any url's you put in the letter links. One VERY important thing about you newsletter is that it should render very well in just about any email program. Some of the rules for doing that include; line breaks after every line, no lines more than 60-65 characters, no images or graphics (these will not display when people inly receive plain text emails. You seem to have followed them to a T. <br />
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One other thing to consider, several email tutorials I have read recomend using a font that is evenly spaced (there is a technical name for this and I don't remember it). But try an example. Type a line in Times New Roman (which is NOT evenly spaced) and the same line directly below it in Courier New (which is evenly spaced) and you will see a big difference. This helps in keeping track of the length of your lines. One of the things I do is make a 60 character line for comparison and cut and paste it along as I am working as a sort of template.<br />
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----5----0----5----0----5----0----5----0 etc. on out to 60 characters. Keep up the good work. Nice to see you back in the SPAM box!<!--content-->If you a real glutton for punishemnt when you sign people up for the newsletter, ask them if they receive email in plain text or HTML. Then you can separate them into two lists and mail a very fancy HTML letter to those who can properly view it and the plain text to the others. However, it is twice the work,<!--content-->If you want, you can have a mailing list, which would just contain the link to the current issue of your newsletter. Every member would just go to the newsletter and view it in full interactivity.<!--content-->"Great Newsletter Jeni <br />
Really nice job."<br />
THANK YOU!! :) You have no idea how much that means to me to hear that - and I wasn't even expecting anyone to really read it, so the appreication goes double! I work so hard and have no way of knowing if it's good, bad, indifferent etc...that's why that really does mean more to me than I know how to say.<br />
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Thanks for the tips on the characters and such. I have been trying to keep the lines at 60 and under - read something about that when trying to decide whether or not to take the plunge into newsletters, but I didn't know about the different fonts, so I will definitely look into that. Thanks again. Courier would be good. I don't like that times roman and keep word set at Arial, but never thought about the font in notepad, where I write my newsletters. Would look nicer, too, wouldn't it!? <br />
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Kman - once I delve into writing HTML newslettes, I'll keep this in mind. I have read that that safest way is text for the reasons you stated and as I'm most comfortable with that right now, I"ll stick with it for the time being, but when I do go HTML, I'll do what you suggested about asking preference with my readers. If I have the time, that is...<br />
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whkoh - that's not a bad idea, either. Right now I send it out through bravenet and it's working pretty well - I just wanted to have a sample copy up on the site so people could see just what the newsletter is like prior to deciding if they wish to recieve it - thought it would be nice for them because many times I've thought about signing up for some newsletter but wondered what it would be like and then more often than not, decide against it because I don't have time for a bunch of junk in my inbox. Get enough of that!<br />
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Thanks all three - gosh, you've made me feel a lot better and honestly, you just can't imagine how much that means. I have no one to turn to in "real life" on these things and frankly, no one I do talk to cares to hear about it.<br />
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Now, if I were just 20 years younger, I'd really feel like I fit in, I'm the old bag of the board! :)<!--content-->Hi Jen<br />
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Yes it all looks good and congratulations as others have said for taking the time to write it yourself rather than using WYSIWYG.<br />
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I have added some e-mail links to your code so people can just click and open their mailbox, I have e-mailed the source code to you, but it was returned??<br />
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I have not long started using raw html myself and it does lift your morale when you see something live and its your own work.<br />
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Regards<br />
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Terry<br />
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[Edited by terry p on 03-14-2001 at 07:16 PM]<!--content-->Originally posted by justjeni <br />
Now, if I were just 20 years younger, I'd really feel like I fit in, I'm the old bag of the board! :) <br />
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I don't think any of us consider you an old bat. If you keep talking like that we'll get Jason to change your name to cybergeezer. How bout it folks, who is the oldest poster on the boards? I just turned 30!<!--content-->Old geezer! I love it -but I bet he's really young enough to be my son...sigh.<br />
I'm 41 - almost 42. See - I am the oldgeezer. Oh well, what can I do, right? <br />
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"I have added some e-mail links to your code so people can just click and open their mailbox, I have e-mailed the source code to you, but it was returned??" <br />
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Did you try e-mailing me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->? Give that a go and let me know here if it doesn't take again - don't know why it didn't. I'm curious to see what you meant about the e-mail code thingy - I'm not clear as to what your were talking about, sorry! You know what they say about the mind after 40....a-hem! :)<!--content-->