I know that this sounds incredibly simple but I am just learning asp.net.<BR><BR>I have a web server form with four buttons that are going to make a web page that acts like a wizard. I can handle the next previous and finish button ( Ihave learned about the panel web control). But how do I get my Close button to simple close the browser. Does this require client side script. If so, can I get ASP.NET to create that script using a method of some server side control or do I need to pass script to the page?<BR><BR>Thanks<BR><BR>Seth B Spearman> Does this require client side script<BR><BR>Yes, you need to call the close() method on the window object, like so...<BR><BR><a href="javascript: void(0) ;" onclick="window.close() ;"><BR> Close Window<BR></a><BR><BR>Pretty simple client-side stuff really.<BR><BR>If you need to add that javascript statement to an ASP.NET control - such as a asp:Hyperlink or asp:Button control - then you might like to take a look at this article:<BR><BR> http://www.flws.com.au/showusyourcode/codeLib/code/NET_jsAddTo.asp?catID=5<BR><BR>