Simple question, collapsible sections


New Member

At first I thought this would have been simple, so I went through all vboptions 3 times and didn't find the option to set so users can not collapse forum sections or any other sections.

Given I'm running on 2 hours of sleep today, I hope I just overlooked the option and it's easy to set. But in case it's not in the options, where do I go to fix this?

There is no on/off collapse feature its coded into to templates the only way would be to search and remove them all...
Thanks Hoxxy.

I know this is extremely vague question, but where exactly do I search? java script files? templates? xml? And what am I supposed to be looking for (word "collapsible"?)? Any help is appreaciated.

N/M - It's in the vbtemplates. I searched for "collaps" and removed all lines starting with <if condition="$show[collapsable]"> until they end with </if> (removing </if> as well.

Thanks again hoxxy.