Hi. I simply want my page to remember user choices in list boxes etc. when navigating between pages.<BR><BR>* I have 2 pages with data driven dropdowns and textboxes<BR>* I use a server.transfer to navigate between pages. (Is this correct?)<BR>* When I click the "Back" button on Page2 (Code: server.transfer "page1.aspx", true) all the selections on Page1 are lost<BR><BR>Is there an ASPX way of preserving choices?<BR><BR>TIA!<BR><BR>-FergalThe best way is to use only one page with two panels. navigate between them by setting the Visible property of your panels. All your controls will still be accessible and there is no need to track user input, (the page inherently does this with the ViewState).I had thought of this but I am using the Beta and the controls do not seem to behave themselves in the panels. I will try this however, thank you. In the event of not being able to use panels, what is the best method to acheive what it is I am trying to do? What for example If I wanted to have the user come back to this page after a period of time. Say the elements on my page reflect a saved row in a DB. How do I preselect the dropdown items to reflect what was stored in this row?<BR><BR>Example: There is a lookup table of countries in the DB. Last time the user was workign with this "row" (that the page allows them to edit)the user selected "Ireland". How do I have "Ireland" as the selected item in my dropdown? Do I have to manually set it after a databind?<BR><BR>Thanks again,<BR><BR>Fergal