how do i check if url is like .php?info
( this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->))don't quote me on this but I think those guys are doing some htaccess thing that tell the brwoser anything after ? is a page. I remember discusing this but not sure what the outcome was.
or you can paser the url and get the text after the ? and just do a header redriect to that page. not recommended as it will be a hackers dream as they would have to put some at the end of the url to load a page off their site and run a potential damaging script on your server.actually, if its php, jsut do $page = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
that gets everything after the query string so like for a URL with index.php?bob
if($page == "bob"){
//do something
}good enough, and i don't intend to use whats in the url to include, so it should be safe enugg
( this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->))don't quote me on this but I think those guys are doing some htaccess thing that tell the brwoser anything after ? is a page. I remember discusing this but not sure what the outcome was.
or you can paser the url and get the text after the ? and just do a header redriect to that page. not recommended as it will be a hackers dream as they would have to put some at the end of the url to load a page off their site and run a potential damaging script on your server.actually, if its php, jsut do $page = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
that gets everything after the query string so like for a URL with index.php?bob
if($page == "bob"){
//do something
}good enough, and i don't intend to use whats in the url to include, so it should be safe enugg