simple page constraint issues


New Member
for some reason when i try and use the resize page functions my webpage appears so small i have to drag it open -ideally the script im trying to use here would constrain my page to fit my image but for some reason it makes the window tiny as a muug!!! i dunno why but when i do drag the page the constarints dont work anyway -someone help ive been tryin to figure this one out on my own off and on for about a month im clueless when it comes to scripting, though becoming more comfortable -right now im concentrating on java, javascript, actionscript, and lingo will trying to learn and use these different languages complicate things a bit or are they similar enough that i can survive the ordeal? -any ideas on how to correctly constrain my web pages to fit my flash movies exaclty (being that it doesnt always work on the export) thanx in advance:D ps the message icon is appropriate because its what i see in my status bar when tryin to preview most of my codes lol