Simple - LinqToTwitter objects & properties


New Member
I am attempting to use LinqToTwitter for the first time and I have a question about it's objects & properties.If anyone has a link to a list of objects & their properties, that would work perfectly.For now, I am trying to use THIS as a guide. It's the closest I've found. I'm looking under the "LinkToTwitterAG" section. Not sure what the AG stands for, but this gives a list of objects. My ultimate goal is to display a user's Username & a list of their Status's in a ListView. My current code for the databound list items is' />' />The text within the Eval(" ") represents the 'Object.Property' I wish to display. It defaults to the 'LinqToTwitter' namespace. So, going by the code I linked to above, LinqToTwitter.Contributor.ScreenName should be valid, but I get an error during debug saying that LinqToTwitter.Contributor is invalid.