Simple hack for 100% height layout



I have create a layout that's always 100% height or higher. It work on most pc browser but in opera, i've got 2 scrollbar on the right side.

Can someone help me resolve that problem without causing another problem in the other browser.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

turbAll I get is an hosted-by page. Is that whay you mean?Obviously he cannot get the URL correct; what exactly is the issue since it looks the same. All you typically do is use CSS hacks and 100% to html and body.He typed the url wrong, or rather typed the link wrong,
the link is set to go to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://">http://</a><!-- m --> instead of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) I've corrected the link for you
2) It looks odd in FireFoxWhy it's looking odd in firefox? For me the layout is just like i want in ff. Maybe i need to explain the layout:

I just create a layout that always 100% height, whenever the content in the blue zone make the scrollbar active or not. Also, i want the green part always at the bottom of the page.

And that's why i put magenta div on each side of the blue zone. This way, if the blue zone have not enough content to cover all the horizontal space, the green div will rest at the bottom.

The problem is that i can't set a "height" to my blue div because the content may change. So i put the height on the 2 magenta divs, the reason why if the blue zone is horizontally bigger of these magenta div, they will stay the same... not overflowing

i hope you uderstand... i'm not good to write English!

(don't look at the color, i'm just in the process of creating my layout)

turbI think I get what you mean. You want the footer to be at the bottom of the window, or the bottom of the page, whichever is longest. Yes?
If take away your prototyping backgrounds it would probably look fine in firefox. My problem was the extending div was narrower, but that won't show when you take the colors away!Yes, you get what i'm trying to do. I always use color when i build a layout!