Simple Form Question: sets of radio buttons


Ok, so I've been away for awhile and have what I'm sure is a very simple question:<br />
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I need a form that uses multiple sets of radio buttons . How do I do this so that the user can select one radio button from each set before submitting?<br />
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I'm sure I'm missing something very obvious - TIA!<!--content-->Each set( of radio buttons) should have the same name value.<!--content-->Originally posted by Fang <br />
Each set( of radio buttons) should have the same name value. <br />
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Doh! Of course - thanks!<br />
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Late breaking news: I've just been told this form needs to be secure, as it will contain confidential information. I presume this means a regular old mailto form won't work.<br />
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What's the simplest approach to take for a secure form?<br />
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Again, TIA!<!--content-->secure server (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ight=https</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->