Simple Cgi Not Working


Hi all,<br /><br />I recently moved my website to totalchoicehosting.<br />I had a cgi script working at my old site, so I moved all of the files into the matching folders here on the new server, and it returns with an internal server error 500.<br />It is just a cgi script to process a web form. On the old server, the form was submitted to: cgi-bin/test.cgi.<br />It worked fine there.<br />Do I have to do something different here on this server?<br />I've also tried the path: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> - no luck.<br />Please help me out, I had a guy originally set this up for me and I don't know much about web hosts or scripts.<br />Thanks for any advise.<br /><br />matt<!--content-->
Welcome to the forums Matt <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br />As long as the cgi script is not a variation of <a href="" target="_blank">form mail</a>, which is dissabled,<br />check on the permissions to see if it is allowed to execute.<br />Use ftp or your cpanel to change permissions as the first step to see if it helps.<!--content-->
Welcome to the forums Matt<br /><br />Did you upload the cgi file in ASCII mode versus Binary? Are the permissions set to 755 to allow the script to be executed as Don says.<br /><br />If the answer to both is YES, please open a ticket with the help desk and ask them to take a look.<!--content-->