simple auto clickable dropdown list

I know I've seen it but cannot find the code to save my life. How to create a simple dropdown list that when you select an option, you automatically go to that link.<br />
<br />
Does this have to be in Javascript? I could have sworn I saw this capability in simple HTML but can't find it now.<br />
<br />
Can anyone help? A sample variation of it is on THIS page farther down in the "Forum Jump" Dropdown box.<br />
<br />
An even simpler example is at the bottom of the left column on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. But this is in Javascript.<!--content-->Something like this?<br />
<br />
<form METHOD="POST" onsubmit="[0].<br />
options[this.elements[0].selectedIndex]. value,'_top'); return(false)"><br />
<select NAME="service" SIZE="1" width="30" onChange="[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')"><br />
<option value="" SELECTED>Start here!<br />
<option value="page.html">Go here<br />
<option value="page.html">Go here<br />
<option value="page.html">Go here<br />
<option value="page.html">Go here<br />
<option value="page.html">Go here</select><!--content-->Thank you km01grant - it works EXACTLY as I wanted.<!--content-->