simple addition script but I can't get it!


Staff member
I would love it if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong in this script. Also, in the function, what can I use after I get to Z? Can I use AA or lowercase a or a number? I have 30 questions in the poll.
If anyone knows an easier way to do this, that would be great too. Thanks for the help.

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<SCRIPT language = JavaScript>

function calculate() {
A = eval(document.frmOne.txtOneNumber.value)
B = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwoNumber.value)
C = eval(document.frmOne.txtThreeNumber.value)
D = eval(document.frmOne.txtFourNumber.value)
E = eval(document.frmOne.txtFiveNumber.value)
F = eval(document.frmOne.txtSixNumber.value)
G = eval(document.frmOne.txtSevenNumber.value)
H = eval(document.frmOne.txtEightNumber.value)
I = eval(document.frmOne.txtNineNumber.value)
J = eval(document.frmOne.txtTenNumber.value)
K = eval(document.frmOne.txtElevenNumber.value)
L = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwelveNumber.value)
M = eval(document.frmOne.txtThirteenNumber.value)
N = eval(document.frmOne.txtForteenNumber.value)
O = eval(document.frmOne.txtFifthteenNumber.value)
P = eval(document.frmOne.txtSixteenNumber.value)
Q = eval(document.frmOne.txtSeventeenNumber.value)
R = eval(document.frmOne.txtEighteenNumber.value)
S = eval(document.frmOne.txtNinteenNumber.value)
T = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwentyNumber.value)
U = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwentyoneNumber.value)
V = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwentytwoNumber.value)
W = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwentythreeNumber.value)
X = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwentyfourNumber.value)
Y = eval(document.frmOne.txtTwentyfiveNumber.value)

Z = (A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J + K + L + M + N + O + P + Q + R + S + T + U + V + W + X + Y)
document.frmOne.txtScoreNumber.value = Z



<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<form name = frmOne>
<p>Type your response in the appropriate box. Your score will be calculated
at the end of the quiz.</p>
<p>1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Usually, 4 = Always</p>
<table width="90%" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<td width="493">1. Managers encourage and help develop employees' business
and/or personal goals. </td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtOneNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">2. Employees can easily see their future inside the company.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwoNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">3. All employees are aware of minimum behavior, activity,
and result standards.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtThreeNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">4. If any employee is performing below minimal acceptable
standards, managers consistently take positive, appropriate and timely
action. </td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtFourNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">5. Managers are aware of, knowledgeable of and supportive
of company processes, policies and procedures.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtFiveNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">6. Employees understnad and support company policies and
procedures. </td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtSixNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">7. Employees find their work environment challenging and
rewarding. </td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtSevenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">8. During challenges in the workplace, managers attempt
to turn difficulties into opportunities and make things better.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtEightNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">9. Managers solcit constructive input from employees when
making departmental improvements.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtNineNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">10. Managers are supportive of change and are always looking
to make things better.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">11. Managers regularly take time to talk to employees about
theings that are important to the employee.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtElevenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">12. Employees believe that managers tell them the "whole"
truth. </td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwelveNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">13. Managers create and encourage teamwork that contributes
to company success.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtThirteenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">14. Managers encourage all departments and employees to
work together as a team.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtForteenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">15. In problem situations, managers expect employees to
take responsibility for planning, addressing, and resolving the issue.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtFifteenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">16. When employees work with managers, they gain confidence
and motivation to perform at higher levels.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtSixteenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">17. Employees respect their manager as a mentor, teacher
and coach.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtSeventeenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">18. Managers delegate responsibility in order to develop
the employee and the business.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtEighteenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">19. When making decisions, managers fucos on developing
people and building a team.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtNineteenNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">20. Managers reference ongoing stragegic and tactical plans
when making decisions.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwentyNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">21. Managers have a consistent recruiting plan.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwentyoneNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">22. Managers use effective pre-developed interview questions
and make hiring decisions based on pre-established profiling and hiring
criteria. </td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwentytwoNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">23. Managers consistently review priorities to determine
the most efficient use of their time.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwentythreeNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">24. managers work to develo ptheir staff to perform their
job responsibilities better than the manager ever could.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwentyfourNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">25. Managers help employees accept responsibility for their
own decisions/outcomes.</td>
<td width="57">
<input type = Text name = txtTwentyfiveNumber size = 1 value ="">
<td width="493">26. Managers attempt to understand individual employee motivations.
<td width="57">&nbsp; </td>
<td width="493">27. Managers know how to apply the right leadership competency,
at the right time, to the right situation.</td>
<td width="57">&nbsp; </td>
<td width="493">28. Managers have created plans and understand how to make
improvements with their team.</td>
<td width="57">&nbsp; </td>
<td width="493">29. Managers utilize a stragegic and tactical process for
generating future business and revenue opportunities.</td>
<td width="57">&nbsp; </td>
<td width="493">30. Managers understand, support and teach the company sales
process and model.</td>
<td width="57">&nbsp; </td>
<input type = Button name = b1 value = "Calculate Score" onClick = calculate()>
<p> Total:
<input type = Text name = txtScoreNumber size = 8 value = "">