Signatures Gallery Hack

How the hack works:
It works like a signatures gallery


1) You can see all signatures instead of going through every member profile to see his signature. So without this hack, if you want to see all signatures then you need to spend hundreds of years, while with this hack you can see them in one page.

2) Members can vote for any signature they like, and number of votes will be beside every signature.

3) You can specify number of signatures that'll be displayed in the page.

4) You can allow/disallow multi vote by user.

5) You can allow/disallow visitors to vote.

6)You can specify the number of posts each user need to be able to vote. (you can ignore this Features).

7) You have the chosse to rest the counter or not for users who change or edit thier Signatures.

8) you can show/hide top Signatures box. and dicide the limit.
(show the results like vb poll results)

9) you can show one signature for a specifc user by using (sig.php?do=exact&u=X)
X= user id

10) Detect other features

To rest counters:

UPDATE user SET sigrate=0