Siblings with dom/xpath


New Member
Have been trying several days to parse the following html code (notice that there is not a real hierarchal tree structure). Everything is pretty much on the same level.\[code\]<p><span class='one'>week number</span></p><p><span class='two'>day of the week</span></p><table class='spreadsheet'>table data</table><p><span class='two'>another day of the week</span></p><table class='spreadsheet'>table data</table><p><span class='one'>another week number</span></p>ETC\[/code\]What I basically want to do is, to go through each dom element, check whether it is a week, if it is, add all the days of the week to that specific week, and add all the table data to the corresponding day of the week. So something of the following structure:\[code\]array {31 => array { monday => array { data => table data } tuesday => array { data => table data } }32 => array { monday => array { data => table data } tuesday => array { data => table data } }}\[/code\]This is my PHP code that I have so far.\[code\]$d = new DomDocument;@$d->loadHtml($html);$xp = new DomXpath($d);$res = $xp->query( "//*[@class='one' or @class='two' or @class='spreadsheet']" ); foreach ($res as $dn) { $nodes = $dn->childNodes; foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node->nodeValue != "") { echo $node->nodeValue; } }}\[/code\]I have been tipped by some people here at stackoverflow to use Xpath in order to achieve this, the above code handles each node separately. What I think I need to be doing is get all the "week" nodes, and than get their next sibling, check from there wether it is a day, if so add this to that array, if it is a "week" node, create a new array etc etcI have been tearing my hair out the past few days with this, so any help/push in the right direction would be very much appreciated!!!Cheers,Dandoen