SHTML query


Hello all. My first post here.<br />
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Been searching the web with no luck so hope one of you guys and gals can help me.<br />
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I came across Server Side Includes (.shtml) today and what I have read about it could really same me time. You can call another file to a particular position to your webpage. Excellent time saver if your updating something that appears on all or most of your pages. You'll only have to edit it once. <br />
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What I want to know is is there a program you can run on your computer that will do what the servers do, enabling you to design your site offline and see the results of the cgi code.<br />
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Cheers,<br />
richiebman<!--content-->Hey, welcome to the forums.<br />
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First of all, your right -- Server Side Includes will definetely save you time. Note, however, not all servers support SSI.<br />
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Secondly, yes, there is a number of programs you can run on your local machine which will allow you to test and debug server-side applications before you upload them to your web site.<br />
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You will need to install a Web Server. I use IIS (Internet Information Services) which is the Microsoft web server; shipped with Windows 2000, XP, NT, etc.<br />
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Considering you are using CGI, you should probably consider Download <!--more-->ing Apache from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> <br />
This server will run CGI, PHP, Perl, C, etc, etc. It is free for Download <!--more-->.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->Cheers buntine.<br />
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I've already tested SSI on my server this moring and they have it enabled. They use a Apache/1.3.29 server so I'll try Download <!--more-->ing from Apache. About the Microsoft IIS server though. I never new I had it. How would I go about installing it? I'm just curious.<br />
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I am thinking of using several SSI srcipts to call the static components of my web pages eg:<br />
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<!--#include file=""--><br />
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This is how I want to save me time when updating these parts of my sites. However with SSI, does '' (or 'navbar.txt') stay in the browsers cache? If it does then the loading of other pages would be quicker and would be similar to the loading times if you were using a frameset. Of course if it doesn't store and call it from the browsers cache, would loading times be a little bit longer???<!--content-->Sorry. About the Microsoft IIS thing. I have XP<!--content-->Im not too sure whether SSI files are cached. I would think that they would not be, as they simply being placed into the mother-document.<br />
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This will not affect your loading times. It may add about 0.3 seconds. And connection speed will only get faster. Loading times are a worry of the past now -- atleast, thats the way we are heading.<br />
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IIS will be on your Windows XP cd. Have a look there.;)<br />
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Regards.<!--content-->Coming back to this thread coz I have another query.<br />
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I have converted my site to have .shtml extension and use includes all over the place. But I still haven't worked out how to call an include file that would require the browser to navigate back UP the directory tree. I tell a lie. I can do it on IIS, but when I upload it to my webspace it says the include file is not found.<br />
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In IIS this works:<br />
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<!--#include file="../includes/file.shtm"--> <br />
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putting the ../ enables this, like with regular html directory tree navigation.<br />
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But this doesn't doesn't work on an Apache web server.<br />
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Anything to do with <br />
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<!--#include vitual=".......etc???<br />
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Cheers,<br />