New Member
Shrink wrapping a div to some text is pretty straightforward. But if the text wraps to a second line (or more) due to a max-width (as an example) then the size of the DIV does not shrink to the newly wrapped text. It is still expanded to the break point (the max-width value in this case), causing a fair amount of margin on the right side of the DIV. This is problematic when wanting to center this DIV so that the wrapped text appears centered. It will not because the DIV does not shrink to multiple lines of text that wrap. One solution is to use justified text, but that isn't always practical and the results can be hideous with large gaps between words.I understand there's no solution to shrink the DIV to wrapped text in pure CSS. So my question is, how would one achieve this with Javascript?This jsfiddle illustrates it: jsfiddle. The two words just barely wrap due to the max-width, yet the DIV does not then shrink to the newly wrapped text, leaving a nasty right-hand margin. I'd like to eliminate this and have the DIV resize to the wrapped text presumably using Javascript (since I don't believe a solution exists in pure CSS).\[code\].shrunken {text-align: left; display: inline-block; font-size: 24px; background-color: #ddd; max-width: 130px;}<div class="shrunken">Shrink Shrink</div>\[/code\]