showing pics in a folder


Staff member
I am starting up a new site for graphics, but I have found with them before that it is rather time consumming to add a new section of code for every new image/graphic I add to my site, is it possible to have my site show all images in a certain folder? ie- it goes through and finds all the pics in the folder and places them either in a table, side by side or one under another?<!--content-->PHP or Perl are perfect for that type of thing. You can also just display the directory tree of a web folder by not placing any html pages in the folder.<!--content-->Thanks, but I dont get how to show the root of a drive of a folder with no html in it :s and I dont know any php stuff or anything lol, is it possible to do it with just html? I have heard it is also possible with java script or something but I dont know how<!--content-->If you create a folder on your website called images, and put all the images in there, you can then link to it with <a href="">Images</a> and as long as there is no index.html or index.htm file in the /images folder the browser will actually just give a list of all of the files in that folder along with their size and last uploaded date. You then just click a filename to view that image.<br />
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That is the very simplest way, but does not allow text or captions with the images.<br />
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You could always keep all the information on your computer in a database and run a script that then makes a web page from that information, the completed webpage and images then being uploaded to the server. I have seen that done before, it removes a lot of work.<!--content-->Yeah :/ basically what I am after it for is so people can browse through the pics without having to click on each individual link for every pic, I think I will just have to copy paste the code for each one, Thankyou very much for your help though :P<!--content-->