showing page when done loading


Staff member
Is there any way to show a web page only after all the components are loaded.<br />
in my current page everything just pops up in turns.(very ugly)<br />
<br />
any suggestions?<!--content-->Hi Rob<br />
I was faced with a problem like this and it all boiled down to ensuring things were of a reasonable size, in that any pictures jpgs, gifs etc were of a low bit rate.<br />
<br />
Also I removed anything which needed to access an outside site somewhere, and sadly I also did away with applets as although they are great things they can take some time to load. Have a look at what you have and how big the sizes are. I also remember seeing a javascript which advises the person entering your site that it is loading, maybe someone else knows what it is. Again, if the site takes a while to load people may not sit there watching something that is telling them the page is loading. There is a good free tool from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.JPG.COM">http://www.JPG.COM</a><!-- m --> which allows for jpgs to be reduced in size, have a look there.<!--content-->Just show a loading message. The script at the end of the page executes <br />
at the end of the load. You can also put the the script in the head as a <br />
function and call the function with the onload event in the body tag. <br />
<br />
<HTML> <br />
<STYLE> <br />
#goodstuff { position: absolute; visibility: hidden;} <br />
#Waitmsg { position: absolute; visibility: visible;} <br />
</STYLE> <br />
</HEAD> <br />
<BODY> <br />
<br />
<DIV id="Waitmsg"> <br />
Loading will take a few moment, but its worth the wait... <br />
</DIV> <br />
<DIV id="goodstuff"> <br />
... all the rest of the page ...<br />
</DIV><br />
<SCRIPT> <br />
<!--<br />
if (document.layers)<br />
{ <br />
document.Waitmsg.visibility = "hidden"; <br />
document.goodstuff.visibility = "visible"; <br />
} <br />
else <br />
{<br />
if (document.getElementById)<br />
{<br />
// this is IE5 and NS6<br />
document.getElementById("waitmsg").style.visibility="hidden";<br />
document.getElementById("goodstuff").style.visibility="visible";<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{ <br />
document.all["Waitmsg"].style.visibility="hidden"; <br />
document.all["goodstuff"].style.visibility="visible"; <br />
}<br />
} <br />
//--><br />
</SCRIPT><br />
<br />
<br />
</BODY> <br />
</HTML><!--content-->I believe you can use DHTML to execute this action, I think there is one at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->w00t im a hero.<!--content-->