Hello, I will make it as brief as possible...
Background: Making Online Courses, want to show (Page number) of (Total Pages), I am having trouble with total pages part... I have tried putting Select count, but am having trouble with syntax and location....
Here is snippet.
'= Show the top bar with course name, category, =
'= and Navigation controls =
Sub ShowBar()
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr>
<td width=10 bgcolor="#000000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000">
<font color="#BBBBBB" face="arial" size=-1>
<b>Page <%=GetPageNum(CurrentID)%>
'ShowToolBar 15, "#800000"
<td width=10 bgcolor="#800000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000" align=center>
<font color="#FFFFFF" face="arial" size=-1>
<b><%=CourseCat(Session("Course"))%> -
<td width=10 bgcolor="#800000"></td>
<td><img src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"images/endbar.gif"></td></tr></table>
End SubThis is what I have been doing... but it does not work...
Sub ShowBar()
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr>
<td width=10 bgcolor="#000000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000">
<font color="#BBBBBB" face="arial" size=-1>
<b>Page <%=GetPageNum(CurrentID)%> of
Query = "SELECT * FROM" + Session("Course");
rs.Open Query, Application("DSN")
Response.Write rs.RecordCount
'ShowToolBar 15, "#800000"
<td width=10 bgcolor="#800000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000" align=center>
...I use recordCount and it works for me. I am running coldfusion server/ sql server2k. You?MS IIS4.0, and Microsoft Access (yes I know, we are an intranet server)
But my syntax looks correct?
Background: Making Online Courses, want to show (Page number) of (Total Pages), I am having trouble with total pages part... I have tried putting Select count, but am having trouble with syntax and location....
Here is snippet.
'= Show the top bar with course name, category, =
'= and Navigation controls =
Sub ShowBar()
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr>
<td width=10 bgcolor="#000000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000">
<font color="#BBBBBB" face="arial" size=-1>
<b>Page <%=GetPageNum(CurrentID)%>
'ShowToolBar 15, "#800000"
<td width=10 bgcolor="#800000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000" align=center>
<font color="#FFFFFF" face="arial" size=-1>
<b><%=CourseCat(Session("Course"))%> -
<td width=10 bgcolor="#800000"></td>
<td><img src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"images/endbar.gif"></td></tr></table>
End SubThis is what I have been doing... but it does not work...
Sub ShowBar()
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr>
<td width=10 bgcolor="#000000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000">
<font color="#BBBBBB" face="arial" size=-1>
<b>Page <%=GetPageNum(CurrentID)%> of
Query = "SELECT * FROM" + Session("Course");
rs.Open Query, Application("DSN")
Response.Write rs.RecordCount
'ShowToolBar 15, "#800000"
<td width=10 bgcolor="#800000"></td>
<td bgcolor="#800000" align=center>
...I use recordCount and it works for me. I am running coldfusion server/ sql server2k. You?MS IIS4.0, and Microsoft Access (yes I know, we are an intranet server)
But my syntax looks correct?