hello everyone,
this is a part of a page witch i'm bulding
echo "<TEXTAREA style=\"OVERFLOW:hidden\" NAME=\"tekstvak1\" ROWS=\"18\" COLS=\"50\">\n";
echo $tekstvak1=$_POST["tekstvak1"]; $tekstvak1=stripslashes($tekstvak1); $tekstvak1=htmlspecialchars($tekstvak1);
echo "</TEXTAREA>\n";
yea that's php
but the point is, i can't find a code to show the scrollbar if the text is bigger then the textarea and hide it when it's not bigger
for the html ppl
<TEXTAREA style="OVERFLOW:hidden" NAME="tekstvak1" ROWS="18" COLS="50">
so, if i can get it to work in html, i can bult it back in to php and it wil work
thanks for reading this, i hope i'll find a sulutionchange hidden to auto
this is a part of a page witch i'm bulding
echo "<TEXTAREA style=\"OVERFLOW:hidden\" NAME=\"tekstvak1\" ROWS=\"18\" COLS=\"50\">\n";
echo $tekstvak1=$_POST["tekstvak1"]; $tekstvak1=stripslashes($tekstvak1); $tekstvak1=htmlspecialchars($tekstvak1);
echo "</TEXTAREA>\n";
yea that's php
but the point is, i can't find a code to show the scrollbar if the text is bigger then the textarea and hide it when it's not bigger
for the html ppl
<TEXTAREA style="OVERFLOW:hidden" NAME="tekstvak1" ROWS="18" COLS="50">
so, if i can get it to work in html, i can bult it back in to php and it wil work
thanks for reading this, i hope i'll find a sulutionchange hidden to auto