I'm using the css @font-face function to define a custom font. The font is called 'Myriad Pro Bold', and as fallback I use Arial/Sans-Serif. \[code\]@font-face { font-family: MyriadProBold; src: url('fonts/myriadpro_bold.otf'); }h3 { font-family: MyriadProBold, Arial, Sans-Serif; }\[/code\]The font-weight: bold; element is only needed when Arial or another Sans-Serif font is shown. If I add font-weight: bold; to the tag and MyriadProBold loads, the bold font is becoming extra bold, which looks ugly.So actually I'm looking for something like this\[code\]if h3 font is MyriadProBold font-weight: normal;else font-weight: bold;\[/code\]Help is appreciated, thanks!