Show New Emails On Website


I am trying to figure out of there is a way to show new mail messages in a box on our website (ie kind of like google does on their customized page; or hotmail does on theirs). Some of my members have email accounts with our domain name. 1 member in particular cannot for the life of him understand how to click mail in Horde and then see his emails. I thought it would be cool if I could just display a logon box for these people and once they login it will show the new mail messages. Let me know if anyone knows how to do this with the current setup here at TCH.<br /><br />Thanks, <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":notworthy:" border="0" alt="notworthy.gif" /><!--content-->
You should be able to get some POP script to do that. I'd check the script sites. Here's a <a href="" target="_blank">perl script</a> that does web based pop email - maybe it can be a starting place for you?<!--content-->