show list selected no of list box on each checked


New Member
I have a \[code\]asp:CheckBoxList\[/code\] which load items from database.I want to write a script which shows no. of checked checkbox on each check.
My aspx page is as following :\[code\]<div id="rfd-demo-zone2" class="placeholderContent accordionEmpGroup-child-subGroup-container"> <asp:CheckBoxList ID="ckbList2DesignationUc" runat="Server" RepeatLayout="Flow" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Width="100%" ></asp:CheckBoxList> </div>\[/code\]script :\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"> $('#ckbList2DesignationUc input:checked').each(function () { alert('hi'); });</script> \[/code\]In the above script I am trying to get an alert, but it is not showing