I'm working in a web site app, in Visual Studio 2008, C# framework 3.5, I have 3 forms, in form1 and form2 I read some data and pass it to form3, but when I try to save data from form1 to form3 I lost the data saved from form2, if I save it from form2, I lost
data from form1, I tried to manage this in my load page, from a lot of ways but I'm stuck on it, I THINK THE PROBLEM IS IN THE LOAD PAGE, thanks in advance, here is my code:\[code\] //form3
ublic partial class menu2 : System.Web.UI.Page{protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){ lblNombreUsuario.Text = (string)Session["sesionicontrol"]; //prueba if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) { try { txtRutEncuestador.Text = Request.QueryString["rut"].ToString(); leerNombre(); } catch { }; } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) { try { txtIdEstudio.Text = Request.QueryString["cod_sap"].ToString(); leerEstudios(); } catch { }; } }\[/code\]
data from form1, I tried to manage this in my load page, from a lot of ways but I'm stuck on it, I THINK THE PROBLEM IS IN THE LOAD PAGE, thanks in advance, here is my code:\[code\] //form3