i want to fetch data form SQL database based on user search.i will create 2 tables in a DB - tableA and tableBwhere - tableA Contains students names and tableB contains father namesi want to do,when user searches student name, it should show his father nameif there are 4 students with same name.eg :Vishnu.MVishnu ReddyVishnu.SVishnu.Pand if user searches for "vishnu" then it should show all four matches along with their father names in a table...any one please get me a code which can do this job...thanks in advance now i am using this PHP code, but it is not what i need \[code\]<?php$host = "localhost";$user = "useename";$password = "password";$database = "database_name";$connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die("Could not connect: ".mysql_error());mysql_select_db($database,$connection) or die("Error in selecting the database:".mysql_error());$sql="Select * from student_details";$sql_result=mysql_query($sql,$connection) or exit("Sql Error".mysql_error());$sql_num=mysql_num_rows($sql_result);echo "<table width =\"20%\" bgcolor=\"#F5F5FF\">";echo "<tr>";echo "<td ><b>Student Name</b></td> <td ><td><b>Father Name</b></td>";echo "</tr>";while($sql_row=mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)){$studentname=$sql_row["student_name"];$fathername =$sql_row["father_name"];echo "<tr><td>".$studentname."</td>";echo "<td><td>".$fathername ."</td>";} echo "</table>"?>\[/code\]it is just showing all student names and their father names....