Should I use I am thinking of developing a site for a client using Could anyone please let me know of downsides to rocks man. Its compiled/object oriented/event driven full of useful tools and it encourages xml and soap. Its different then normal asp though. And you got a learning curve ahead of you... I say learn as much as you can about it before you develop a site in it. Get a book and learn it. Its benifits are very high compared to classic predictions are that ASP.NET or anything .NET for that matter wont be implemented in compagnies before at least two years.<BR><BR>Now hold on a sec (before I get killed here). I'm saying that people still have needs for old applications either because they can't afford to upgrade their system or because they just don't have to money to rebuild, their already working application, in a new technology. <BR><BR>That being said, I still think that the futur lies in the .NET so it's a good thing to start now, for you and your futur and like foobar said, its all oop and compiled and many more.<BR><BR>I know I'm learning it because I will, in two years, be able to say that I have two years experience in .NET so I'll be getting better job offers
all because I decided to start now.<BR><BR>go go go but remember people, usually customers, are not like us programmers. If it works then why risk changing it ?<BR><BR>So ASP is/will gonna stick around for another two years, perhaps even more who knows how the market will react to .NET only time will tell but I'm not missing the boat this time
Thank you all for your response... I am very excited about .net<BR>-<BR>-<BR>but, currently I have an opportunity to develop a small app using the .net beta 2. One of our hosting providers is offering it as a package. My main concern is that when final comes out in the next few months that things could change... Is this something i should worry about<BR><BR>does anyone know of sites that are live using<BR>>My main concern is that when final comes out in the next<BR>>few months that things could change... Is this something<BR>>i should worry about<BR><BR>i don't think there will really be anything to worry about - there were some heavy differences between beta 1 and 2, but i understand that beta 2 is pretty much what the official public version will be<BR><BR>>does anyone know of sites that are live using<BR><BR>i don't know for sure off the top of my head, but i think is one, and<BR><BR>they're out there