Should I use an XMLHttpRequest /JSON or an iFrame?


New Member
I have been making extensive use of XMLHttpRequests and JSON to fetch from a MySQL database and return records as arrays. It works perfectly.Additionally, I have three cases in which I have the server (via PHP) formatting the data as a web page and creating bar charts (as opposed to sending arrays back to JavaScript for processing). Currently, I call the PHP file via a hidden iframe and then insert the HTML into a DIV (since I don't like certain aspects of iframes and prefer to not have them accessible).Is using an iframe the best method or can I accomplish the same thing via a XMLHttpRequest and JSON? I'm asking because of the length of the data being returned. At present, it translates to a full page of data, but I want it to be extensible (e.g., perhaps a couple of pages of data in the future).Thank you for any insights.