Should i take away my beloved frames


Hi there<br />
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My web site currently uses frames.<br />
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I have read all about the pros and cons but using frames makes programming so much easier for me i.e i only have to cvhange something once instead of going through hundreds of files.<br />
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I am considering switching away from frames and just using plain old tables.<br />
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Do you think that my hits will seriously increase because of this.<!--content-->I don't think it will make a significant difference to your hits. It's probably not worth all the work of redesigning your whole site. If frames suit your purpose then stick to them. There is nothing wrong with using them for a good reason, they are not all bad. ;)<!--content-->i agree with goldilocks! its not worth a complete site re-design unless you know it's time for one. as for the update of one location to enact on every page, you might want to consider using SSI. I know it's documented somewhere on the big resources network.<br />
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chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->thanks for the feedback folks<br />
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i appreciate it<br />
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i am actually in the process of redesigning my site and i am quite happy with the new layout.<br />
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I spoke to one of the representatives of the company thats optimising my placing in the search engines and he was in favour of it.<br />
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Ill keep you informed on how i get on <br />
Thanks again<!--content-->I can not get to grips with frames or why people use them.<br />
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That is not to say that I am unable to use frames - when I first started - I thought they were the be-all and end-all of web design.<br />
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I soon found out otherwise.<br />
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Frankly - I believe they depreciate the overall effect of your coding. Especially in terms of SE's.<br />
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There are simple and effective ways of ways of achieving the end-result without resorting to frames.<br />
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But.... as I always say - that's just my opinion and I'm not here to upset anyone ;o)<!--content-->youve not upset me mate<br />
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i hate those webmasters who use frames on their site!!<br />
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well i do now<!--content-->