Should I put dashes in my domain name?


New Member
I need to register a name and I have the option of choosing between:

1. My "search sentence" as a domain name as "word1-word2-word3" (that is, each word separated by dashes) or

2. My "search sentence" without dashes, but being the last word in plural, that is "Word1word2words3" (being words3, plural in this case since the domain with word3 in sigular is already taken). Word3 in plural sounds well too, but this word is usually looked for in singular (without the "S").

I am interested mainly on ccTLD, but in the first case, the gTLD is also available (in which case, I would get both of them). I understand tha for SEO purposes, option 1 is better than Option 2. Is that so? I would appreciate if anybody could help me to choose one over the other. Thank you.