Should all Front Classes use singleton?


New Member
Consider Martin Fowler's Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, and the pattern of Front Controller:, it uses the singleton pattern. Well, I have a package of classes in php application that work together (like Zend's Controller Package) and there is one class that makes them all usable and since it resembles much of Front Controller's concepts, I named it PackageName_Front. But it shouldn't be a singleton class (as opposed to Front Controller), so do I still let it have the name Front? If not, what do I name it?Since it's a quite big package, I just need it to follow conventions as much as possible (not in a dogmatic way!) so it would be readable to other developers.More info: It's not anything related to controllers. It's just an object that works like Zend_Form (which consolidates use of all the other objects like Zend_Form_Element_X and Zend_Validate into one object) But I can't just name it PackageName. It has to be PackageName_Something, and I'm just not sire what Something should be. Maybe "Handler"?... I just wanna make sure when someone reads it's name, doesn't get confused about it's role in the whole Package :)