New Member
Just like the the iPhone's app names that run to long, the name gets shortened. I really like this method of shorting a name or a string rather then appending a "..." clause to it. Sorry if I am being confusing, I'm having trouble explaining what I am trying to do. So I'll show an example!This is what I have, to append "..." to a shortened string (In PHP)\[code\]<?php $string = "This is a test script"; if (strlen($string) >= 14) echo(substr($string), 0, 13). "..."); // This is a test... else echo($string); // This is a test script?>\[/code\]I would like to split up the name or string and keep the first say 10 characters, then insert "..." in the middle and lastly take the ending 5 letters of the string and display them. I was thinking of something along the lines of:\[code\]<?php $string = "This is a test script"; if (strlen($string) >= 20) echo(substr($string, 0, 10). "..." .substr($string, 15, 20)); //This is a ...script else echo($string);?>\[/code\]But realize that will not work in the regards that there are more then just 5 letters in the end. Any pointers into the write direction would be great, Thanks!