Short Domain Name / Development / Profit ideas


New Member
I investigate a short domain and the possibilities of further development

The data i have are these :

- It gets some traffic from a country that is not so advanced to internet culture

- The owner had a contact with few regional businesses for this issue, all of them were not interested and didn't understand the advantage of the traffic or the awareness the name may get to their businesses to sponsor or invest or advertise at that name

So he turned to me and asked about all these
However i must say that i'm run out of ideas

How this name can be developed ?
I know that any project can work but what's your idea based on the data above plus the uniqueness of a short domain

What would you do if you had good traffic from one source that was not capable to create a profitable stream for you ?

Would you dump the traffic and promote it in a totally different area or you would stick to the low revenue traffic hoping for better results in the future ?