Shopping cart questions....


I'm trying to get info from the sales slip of my shopping cart to another page that is sent for credit card processing. The only way I have been able to get this to work is to create a form in between that takes the variables from the sales slip and puts them into the page that gets sent to the cc processor. This is really ugly and makes ANOTHER step for the shopper. Is there a way where I can take info that doesn't change and pass if from one page to another without the use of a form. Also I do need to change one variable from ''Amount" to "x_amount". I can't remember how to do that. Can anyone help me?!?!<br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->What language are you using? Are you using asp php cgi what?<!--content-->I'm using perl.<!--content-->Oh I cant help you there. I don't know perl yet but I know how to do this with That does not help any but its really simple. All you have to do is transfer the data from one page to another by querying and stringing.<!--content-->This is really ugly and makes ANOTHER step for the shopper. Is there a way where I can take info that doesn't change and pass if from one page to another without the use of a form.<br />
Maybe! Depends! How about a link to your page.<br />
Also I do need to change one variable from ''Amount" to "x_amount".<br />
OK! so what's the problem. Just change it..... OR are you using a 'Download <!--more-->ed script' that you don't fully understand?<!--content-->