after searching a lot for solutions to my problem I finally must ask it and try to get some great answersSo, I have an xml file in the likes\[code\]< trigger name="ECUReset" value="">...< /trigger>< trigger name="ClearDTC" value="">...< /trigger>\[/code\]I want to parse this with shell script and to retrieve the \[code\]trigger name\[/code\] and it's \[code\]value\[/code\] in a associative array, or something close to \[code\]perl hashes\[/code\]The tools that I have available on the machine are only \[code\]grep\[/code\] and \[code\]sed\[/code\], I don't have \[code\]perl\[/code\] or \[code\]awk\[/code\] What I managed to get now is \[code\]trigger_name=$(sed -n '/trigger_name=/ s/[^\x22]*\x22\(\x22*\)//p' $FILENAME)\[/code\]but that doesn't return what I wantedI cannot use perl, though I would definitely like to because I'm a perl dev, and also no awk or something else, just shell with sed and grep.