Every one in this forum, please tell your views about SEO?What are the things to be done to optimize a site?I like to hear from the basic steps!1. Read posts in this forum.2. Read more3. Read even moreOK, but seriously:1. Optimize Meta Tags2. Get links from other websites with proper anchor text (<a href="http://www.somesite.com">This is anchor text</a>), the more links, the better.3. Wait for results4. Back to point 1.Nowadays, SEs dont count meta tags much, you should imphasis on proper Keyword to compete., use <title> <h1> anchor links (internal too ), backlinking with anchor text from relevant site etc etckashyapfirst get some linkls,Then get some more linksThen a few more......Oh - and use optimized anchor text.Submit to as many directories as you can Choose a select number of keyword phrases that you would like people to find you with in the search engines. Then optimize your site for these keywords. By this I mean include the keyword phrases in: - Title tag - H1 tags - Alt attributes on images - Title attributes on anchor linksMake sure the search engine spiders can find the pages in your site by using standard text links in a site map or otherwise.This is the tip of the iceberg but will help.This whole forum will help you optimize your site. Review the threads listed here and you will find more than enough information.Welcome to OzzuThank you for your welcome message, however can any one say that a site having good PR will get good business whereas the site having low PR won