SHA1 hash translated to invalid xml


New Member
I have a dictionary, which I turn in to XML and then hash with SHA1.\[code\]string xmlMessageCode = inputDictionary.ToXML(); //Extension method.UnicodeEncoding UE = new UnicodeEncoding();SHA1Managed hasher = SHA1Managed();byte[] hashString = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlMessageCode.ToCharArray());byte[] hashCode = hasher.ComputeHash(hashString);string computedHashString = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(hashCode);return computedHashString;\[/code\]After that I put the value in an object property and then serialize a collection of these objects to XML:\[code\]XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(){Indent = false,OmitXmlDecleration = false,Encoding = Encoding.UTF8};using(StringWriter sr = new StringWriter){using(XmlWriter xmlr = XmlWriter.Create(sr, settings)){ser.Serialize(sr, newList);}return sr.ToString();}\[/code\]This produces XML, but when I try to validate the resulting XML, I get an error inside the property which was created from the hashed string.What would be the best way to resolve this?Should I strip the invalid characters or is there a more elegant solutions?