Setting up the bottom margin in XSL


Staff member
I generated an XML file from the database using my VB application (this isfor 4 sources, 190 countries, 26 variables). Is is little over 1 MB in size.I developped a XSL . I could view the data in IE without any problem. I amactually generating country sheets for our publication. I used a page breakbefore in my Country tag, so it works out nice. The only problem I am facingnow is to put a running footer with our publication name and a page number.How do I set the bottom margin so that the running footer comes at the samespot on every page (each country layout takes differnt lengths, since weare publishing the footnotes also. So the number of lines for each countrydiffer). I was reading about formatting objects to convert the file to aprint media(Adobe) to publish, but is there any way in XSL? Please help meif you know the solution? Thanks !