Setting up my CGI Bin?


Hi, I would like help configuring a cgi-bin on my own server. I am currently running Apache 1.3.9 for Win32 on Win2k NT technology. I have a directory for my cgi-bin, I have just Download ed Active Perl from, and I have a large library of cgi-scripts to choose from. My problem is, how? How do you make this work? Where do I install the Active Perl? Does it go in the cgi-bin or ProgramFiles? I mostly want to configure a form processor and later to possibly set up a V-Bulletin Messageboard or something of that nature. Any suggestions as to how I would set up a Mailform Handler , and what would be the easiest type script to work with?
Audionet 1I'm not very experianced with NT servers but I beleive you can install ActivePerl anywhere on your system. Then you simply point to the location in the first line of perl. Like this:
I think this is the most popular and defult setting for active perl. If you install in a different dir you will have to change this.
Good Luck,
PaulThanks, I will give it a try!
Audionet1if u have Download ed the msi package of apache just adding what hacker told to the top of ur scripts is enough ..

but if still having probs running the script u might have to configure http.conf present in \Apache Group\Apache\conf for the right cgi-bin directory ..

hope u have perl up an' running by now ..Does it go in the cgi-bin or ProgramFiles? Just a quick thought on security here... it is a definite no-no to put your perl.exe file directly into your cgi-bin. I believe this creates a rather large security hole in your system.

As a general recommendation I would suggest installing Perl into the default which is c:\perl