Setting up E-commerce


Hello,<br />
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I have a client who wants to sell a couple of products and have a renewal membership form online. They currently have a web hosting company that said they need to buy a secure cert. and their server is Windows 2003. Do I now buy a shopping cart software, merchant account, ssl certificate??? (I'm so confused)<br />
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Any help would geatly be appreciated.<br />
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Thanks in advance,<br />
MonaE<!--content-->Im not to sure but i think you will need an ssl certificate and what kind of server side langauges are on your server probably i think.<!--content-->you will need the ssl and a server side script like sharkey said. is awesome, its my language of choice, but you also could use php, asp, cgi, jsp, and so on. I do not reccomend handleing credit cards unless you really know what you are doing. Online stores are very difficult and need to be very secure. Make sure you are using 128 bit encryption for that ssl to say the least. I am not the most knowledgable when it comes to online purchasing... I do not know how the payment gateway and everythign works so I can't be much more help. It is something I am going to be learning here in a while though... hopefully.<!--content-->Hello,<br />
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Is server side script the shopping cart software??<br />
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Thanks,<br />
MonaE<br />
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ps. The ISPs server is Windows 2003<!--content-->Server side script is any script that does stuff. HTML is not a server side script becuse it just gets displayed by your browser, php is a server side script it gets used for forums and such like becuase it can be used to change pages by itself. I think that for online shopping then is the way to go (correct me if I'm wrong anyone)<br />
Because all that asp stuff is so comlicated, you mught as well get some software (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tnG=Search</a><!-- m -->) to do it for you.<br />
You have to have a secure connection else no-one in thier right mind will bother buying from you.<br />
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N.b. If you do use software to do it for you then still read up on whatever the program uses, just in case.<!--content-->Originally posted by the tree <br />
I think that for online shopping then is the way to go (correct me if I'm wrong anyone)<br />
Because all that asp stuff is so comlicated, you mught as well get some software (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... tnG=Search</a><!-- m -->) to do it for you. That does not make sence.... and asp are not one in the same, and is not terribly hard to use. Its just the fact that when making an online store it is a difficult thing to make. Php can make an online store, so can jsp, or cgi. But in any of those it is hard to make as well. The security issues are not all in the scritping, you also need to have the server setup right and with as we said, ssl, you need to be running on that https protocal. Infact unless you really know what you are doing you should not be making a purchasing system but going through someone else like pay pal to cover your butt or you could be paying when someone steals credit card numbers from your site. A server side script is a script that runs at the server, the server does all the work on it then genorates html for the browser to see, then when the user fills out a html form the page gets sent back to the server (html form action calls the script) and then the server uses those form values to execute another scritp and output some more html for the user. It keeps all the working script son your machine, the server, and then gives the client some html. Its servure, functional, and reliable.<!--content-->Thanks for all help. Another confusion:<br />
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Is the SSL Certificate the same as purchasing a Payment Gateway? Or does the Merchant Account automatically come with a Payment Gateway? Are all three separate cost (SSL Certificate, Payment Gateway, & Merchant Account)? <br />
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Thanks,<br />
MonaE<!--content-->Originally posted by MonaE <br />
Thanks for all help. Another confusion:<br />
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Is the SSL Certificate the same as purchasing a Payment Gateway? Or does the Merchant Account automatically come with a Payment Gateway? Are all three separate cost (SSL Certificate, Payment Gateway, & Merchant Account)? <br />
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Thanks,<br />
MonaE Depends on the host. I mean many hosts will give you a ssl certificate and all, I would just purchase my own if I were running my own store. If you buy the payment gateway they might give you your own certificate. But thats a host issue, there is no standard that I would know of. Ecommerce can get confusing :p<!--content-->