Setting up an RSS feed


New Member
Can someone please explain how to set one up?

I want to setup an RSS feed on my forums, but don't want it to display on my site.

Only reason I want it is-

I have 2 sections of my forum that I want to post directly to Twitter using this hack: vBulletin 2 Twitter - Take Your News Straight To Twitter! - Forum

Those sections are:

Site updates

I've never used RSS feeds before, so total n00b to this. If anyone can explain how I do it- that'd be great :)
I don't think it's possible, because they are feed, your browser will detect them automatically, so all or none.
Run the feed into an invisible forum (you can set forum to be invisible in the permissions) and add that forum to the list output to twitter.

Although if you want a feed to be visible on twitter but not VB, why even get VB involved? Just load the RSS straight into twitter using Twitterfeed or similar.