setting unselectable date if it is already over


Staff member
hi everyone...i met a problem for my project. I had a calendar, and for example, today's date. 22/12/05. I wan to implement a calendar that dun allow the user to select any date that had already past.for eample in this case, select 1/12/05 which had already past. i m using basic. thx guysCreate a custom control which inherits system.web.ui.webcontrols.calendar. On the Init event, set the PrevMonthText = "" if the rendering month is equal to today's month. On the DayRender event, if the rendering day is less than today, then set the cells text equal to the day value else do nothing. Basically, that will stop users from switching to months prior to this month and will not allow them to select dates prior to today's date. Hope that helps.oh...hmmm can u pls qoute an example down here? thx lotsguys can help out? please