Setting The Height Of An I-Frame


Hey all,<br />
Is there any way to set the hieght of an i-frame to a wildcard so there is only a scrillbar when needed.<br />
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For instance, I have an iframe set to width of 600 and height of 1200 but I have some pages that dont fit in the 1200 height, is there any way to get away with not listing that property?><br />
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Thanks<br />
Jesse<!--content-->it would be nice if it could but alas no, it won't like cells or divs resize to it's content, and if you give it a % value it sizes to it's container.<br />
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A alternative layout method would be to use SSI inside a div, you can give the div scrollbars and it would resize to the content you are calling into it with SSI :)<!--content--><IFRAME height='600' width='800' src='' scrolling='auto'></IFRAME><!--content-->