Setting size of target window

Hello, there.<br />
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I use FrontPage to create my webpages. One of my customers requested from me to place a small question mark graphic that will open up a new window when clicked.<br />
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I have been successful in adding the graphic, and allowing it to open up an information page once clicked, but, I wanted to know if I can resize the new window that opens up. As of right now, it is completely full screen, but I wanted to set the width and height of it. so that it floats instead.<br />
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Here is the code I have so far:<br />
<br />
<a target="_blank" href="legend.htm"><br />
<br />
What can I add to this code to change the size of the new window?<br />
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thanks,<br />
Vic<!--content-->you could use javascript altough this will be inaccessable to 13% of users<br />
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<script language="javascript"><br />
function openQuestion()<br />
{<br />'legend.htm', 'Question', <br />
'width=400,height=600');<br />
}<br />
</script><br />
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obsviously chagnign the page and the width and hieght to size of picture<br />
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beware M/S FP doesnt read well when copying and pasting from sites put into notepad first<br />
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Rich<!--content--><a href="legend.htm" onclick=",'child', 'height=400,width=300,scrollbars'); return false">Legend</a><!--content-->Thanks a million. I figured I had to go through that route.<br />
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But pardon my ignorance. There is a graphic that the clients will click on that will cause the window to open. I noticed that there was no reference to the graphic as the hyperlink in the code you gave me. Is it still possible to bring up the smaller window by clicking on the small graphic and using javascript?<br />
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Here's the complete link again with the graphic info:<br />
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<a target="_blank" href="legend.htm"><img src="images/legend.jpg" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a><font face="Arial" size="1" color="#000000">Service Type</font><br />
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The above is basically a graphic of a small question mark with the words "Service Type" next to it. When clients click on this question mark graphic, it opens up a new window explaining the different service types. This new window is what I'd like to resize.<br />
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Thanks again,<br />
Vic<!--content--><a href="legend.htm" onclick=",'child', 'height=400,width=300,scrollbars'); return false" title="Service Type"><img alt="?" src="images/legend.jpg" style="border:0; height:15px; width:15px"></a><span style="color:#000; font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:60%">Service Type</span><br />
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1) Use styles.<br />
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2) Your situation has a few accessibility issues. To begin with you need to use the "alt" attribute with the IMG element to designate what will be displayed when the image cannot. Likewise, you need to use the "title" attribute with the A element. Persons with certain disabilities have difficulty navigating a single page and will often try to call up a list of just the links. With your method the link will be listed as "image". If you provide the "alt" attribute a value it will be listed as "?". If you use the "title" attribute then it will be listed as "Service Type".<!--content-->Thanks so much, everyone!!! I actually tried both options, and they worked like a charm. Again, thanks for taking the time to help.<br />
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