Setting site as home page


I am a novice when it comes to web programming, and I have taken it upon myself to create an internal web site for my company. Over-confident? Maybe. <br />
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It's actually looking pretty good so far (sorry I can't show you all, but it's internal only), but I would like to put a link on the page that will set my INDEX page as the homepage in IE. I know that it can be done, but I haven't been able to find the appropriate code.<br />
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To be more specific, I want to be able to change the home page settings in the Internet Properties dialog box to point to my internal web site's home page. Thank you for your help.<br />
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Jeremy Gamble<!--content-->Try this <br />
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<a class="chlnk" style="cursor:hand" HREF onClick="'url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('');">Click here to make this your homepage</a><!--content-->Looks like it worked! I will need to play with it just a little to make it look "pretty", but it looks like it's exactly what I wanted. Thank you!<!--content-->