Setting Page to Automatically Go Back


Hello - I am trying to set a page to automatically go back. <br />
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Right now I have a user at the main page where they can scroll through records. then they hit the print button which takes them to the print page. I want this print page to redirect them back to the previous page after a couple seconds or right away (what ever works). But I don't want to use the <br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1;URL=m1.php"> line because I don't want the m1.php to refresh. I want the user to be able to go back to what they were doing. <br />
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I am pretty new at HTML so this might be an obvious question but if anyone can help me, that would be great.<br />
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Thanks,<!--content-->Try JavaScript... Put this somewhere between your <head> and </head> tags:<br />
<script type="text/javascript"><!--<br />
history.go(-1);<br />
--></script><br />
It does exactly the same thing as if you were pressing the browser's back button.<!--content-->Excellent!! Thank you - that worked great.<br />
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