setting page properites using only a link?


Hey guys. I'll start with what I'm trying to do. I am using a third party activeX control that contains a mapping program. When the user clicks on a certain object within the window, it goes into a database and pulls a hyperlink (dependant on the object selected), launches a new browser window and opens the link. I want to control the properties of the new window (height, width, visibility of the menus etc...). I can put whatever I want in the link itself. <br />
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Imagine having a link in a webpage that the user can click on and a new window opening up to display the new page. Can I control the page properties through parameters in the link itself?<br />
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A way I was thinking of possibly doing this, was to link to a "loading" page with the link to the page I really want as a parameter in the link ie. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://server/loader.html?name=object5">http://server/loader.html?name=object5</a><!-- m --> and then have the loader page open a new window using a link constructed using the object5 part. But I would then want to close the loader window and I get the dialog box asking if I really want to close this window. I don't want this dialog to show up but I don't know if there is a way to get around this part.<br />
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Sorry this is so long,<br />
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TIA<br />