How can I set the title attribute of an HTML tag via knockoutjs in a way that will cause any HTML entities in the tag contents to be evaluated and displayed (i.e. not escaped)?Example:\[code\]<div data-bind="attr: { title: titleObservable }"></div>\[/code\]In the above example, if titleObservable contains an HTML entity, it will not be rendered, rather the entity name will be displayed. See this fiddle for a working example. Notice that when you hover over the div, the title text contains ' instead of the apostrophe symbol.I know that when setting the contents of an HTML tag with the knockoutjs text binding that HTML is escaped for security reasons (see this thread). I am assuming that this is what is happening to the entity in my title attribute. I also know that I can just embed the apostrophe directly into the title attribute, but I would like to know if there is a way that I can do this with the HTML entities (due to certain limitations on the project I am working on).