I am trying to create a root directory on my localhost(using xampp) so that I can link to images and folders found on the root from subfolders. So my directory is built like seen below. Also, would this method work when the site is uploaded on the web? or would I have to change document root to http:// links to my site?F = folderf = file\[code\]My Site-------[f] index.html[f] logo.html[F] css -> [f] main.css[F] news -> [F]1 -> [f] 1.html[F] images -> [f]logo.jpg\[/code\]logo.html will be included using PHP on every html page.So if I include the logo.html in both index.html & news/1/1.html link to image doesn't work since the news file is on a different folder and link to the images folder changes.I tried this using PHP but it seems I am doing it wrong:\[code\]<?php $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/My Site/'; echo $root .'/images/logo.jpg';?>\[/code\]