Setcookie won't work?


New Member
I set the cookies regularly in a callback page in my Twitter application. Everything works fine.Now, using jQuery, I submit a form, and the callback function activates a PHP script. That script only needs to set one cookie to the serialized values of $_POST; and the values run fine (both serialized and normal, I echoed them out to debug). The expiration time is set to 1 year ahead. But for some reason, the cookie just won't appear anywhere. Here's the code:\[code\]// js/main.js$('#settings-form').live('submit', function() { $.post('controllers/settings.php', $(this).serialize(), function(data) { // Everything here works. if (data ='OK') // no errors spits out "OK". this works changeView({'msg': 'Your settings were saved successfully.'}); // This just resets the view and adds a message div at the top. This works else changeView({'msg': data}); // This echoes the error if any exists. Doesn't happen, no errors arise }); return false; // Cancels redirecting after submitting form});\[/code\]\[code\]// controllers/settings.phpsetcookie('user_settings', serialize($_POST), strtotime('+1 year'));\[/code\]I checked all the variables and I even tried setting dummy ones for test (like "boo" instead of serialize($_POST). for some reason that doesn't work.Any ideas why this is happening? I tried doing a chdir('..'); to make the cookie dir go to the right place, but that doesn't seem to be the problem, checking the cookies inside my browser doesn't seem to work at all, for any path. It just doesn't work at all. I also just tried manually changing the domain and path, but those don't work either.