Session mayhem


Staff member
Hello Session people,

I've worked with sessions in the past, on projects, but never really looked deep into them.

I'm currently in the middle of writing a community site, with a whole host of features, like a buddy monitor, messenger, chat, forums, people matcher, and more!

I'm using sessions to store those inconsiderate variables such as user id, logged_in, chat_name, user_name, etc.

On my local machine (Plt:Win 98SE - MySQL - PHP, not sure of the version numbers, I do know that my php version doesn't support OO but it is > than v4) whats my problem...well, on my local machine the site runs sweet, all variables held etc. But When I deploy to my server (Plt:Apache - PHP >4 - MySQL) the session isn't consistent, in fact if throws a wobbler saying session uninitilized, when attemping to destroy the session (yes I HAVE used session start at the top of each script).

The details of this are: when you first come to the site, you can register/login/activate account.
Once logged in you can logout/communications centre.

when you log in a popup window prompts you to enter your username and password, you submit and things a checked. Session at this point is already started. The login instatiates variables from the users info in the database and stores it in the not the issue.

when you close the login window the main screen is refreshed. Allowing the session to change status...on the Apache, this isn't working!! you can refresh the main page as much as possible and the session vars don't kick in!! yes session start is in there. I think that this may be a cookie/serverside issue, what do you think?


Dave Forrest